Your competent point of contact for FGM/C

FGMhelp is the Canton of Zurich’s advisory, information and competence platform for FGM/C. As a contact point for girls and women who are affected or at risk and their families we offer free, reliable support. Thanks to our network of specialist personnel, associations, organisations and advice centres as well as our community work, FGMhelp is able to contribute to long-term action on FGM/C.

There were two factors behind the setting-up of the Canton of Zurich’s contact point for female genital circumcision. Firstly, the commitment of Cantonal Councillor Natalie Rickli, who initiated it in her capacity as Head of the Health Department. Secondly, the work carried out by the Network against Female Genital Cutting Switzerland. The federal government has tasked the Network with raising awareness of female genital circumcision (FGM/C) in Switzerland; protecting girls against circumcision; ensuring that women who are affected have access to advice and medical services and supporting regional contact points.

Our offering


We advise girls and women who are affected or at risk, couples and families on all FGM/C-related issues as well as on pregnancy, giving birth, sexuality, sexual health and the legal situation.

Triage and referrals

If medical care is needed, we can set up contact with female medical specialists and hospitals. If you are at risk, we can refer you to the relevant specialist units for child and adult protection.

Community work

Thanks to our multipliers and interpreters we are represented in communities. Our main goals are prevention, information, breaking down taboos and raising awareness.

Training of specialist personnel

In cooperation with the Network against Female Genital Cutting Switzerland we provide FGM/C training to specialist personnel.

Networking and PR work

We make the public aware of the topic of genital circumcision, working together with other contact points, specialist personnel, associations and authorities.

FGMhelp’s organisational structure

The Cantonal Health Department has tasked the City of Zurich’s Municipal Medical Service with setting up and managing the Canton of Zurich’s contact point for female genital circumcision. Our advisers work closely with the three major women’s clinics at Winterthur Cantonal Hospital, Zurich City Hospital and the University Hospital of the Canton of Zurich to provide specialist medical support.

Authority responsible for FGMhelp

The Canton of Zurich Health Department is responsible for FGMhelp. The Health Department ensures the provision of high-quality, needs-based, economically sustainable healthcare to Zurich’s residents.

Your contacts

Karin Bruppacher

Adviser Dipl. Pflegefachfrau HF

Ann Schädler

Adviser Sozialarbeiterin FH

Katja Theissen

Contact Point Director Betriebsleitung Kompetenzzentrum Sozial-Medizin